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Category Cleaning

Field Stripping a Remington 700 Bolt

How to field strip a Remington 700 Bolt This one is dead simple, it requires no tools and is much easier if you have a coin in your pocket. Remove the bolt from the rifle. Using a shoelace or a… Continue Reading →

Field Stripping / Disassembling an Anschutz 1913 Super Match 54 Bolt

When it comes to regular maintenance of a bolt action rifle. It is a good idea to know how to strip your bolt to access and clean the firing pin and the components that make it up. The bolt of… Continue Reading →

RPA Quadlite Action And 30″ Krieger Stainless Barrel Cleaning – C2R

As we saw in my eBay Borescope Review, My Krieger Barrel on my RPA Ranger Target Rifle was not in the best of shape, even though after every range outing I had cleaned it “thoroughly” with Forrest Bore Foam, Nylon… Continue Reading →

Field Stripping and Cleaning RPA Quadlite Bolt

Whilst cleaning my RPA ranger (RPA Quadlite Actioned Target Rifle) I decided to take the bolt apart for the first time. I’d not done this before on this rifle, and decided to look on the web for a manual or… Continue Reading →

C2R Cleaning Take 2 – Borescope Analysis

Following on from my C2R testing on 22nd September and also with the addition of a eBay borescope to my toolbox, I decided to do a before and after cleaning video of the bore of my Remington 700… In my… Continue Reading →

eBay 5.5mm Borescope Quick Review

After cleaning my Remington 700 with C2R Cleaner in a previous blog post, after seeing the difference from Forrest Bore Foam with C2R, I was interested to see what was going on inside the barrel of my rifle. I looked… Continue Reading →

Hoppes Bore Snake vs Unbranded Ebay Boresnake

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided I needed to see if the £3.59 bore snake was up to the quality of the branded Hoppe’s bore snake. Is this a case of shooters paying more for snake oil…?… Continue Reading →

C2R Cleaner Review – Copper and Carbon Bore Cleaner

Preface I’ve never really been religious about the cleaning of my rifles, as I’ve never really been taught the value of making sure that the bore of my rifle is spotless. I’ve really always shot smallbore with my father, who… Continue Reading →

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